Tagged: videos

Crafting Digital Magazines only $1.99 through end of September! - Crochet, Knitting, Beading, Quilting, etc 3

$1.99 Digital Magazines at Interweave!

Shop the $1.99 Digital Magazine Sale at Interweave $1.99 Digital Magazine Sale ends on Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 11:59 p.m. MT. Some exclusions apply. Prices are as marked. Attention Crafters! Whether you are looking for a project to complete during the commercial breaks or for the whole game, we’ve got you covered. Our digital magazines are full of projects and now’s the perfect time to explore. Discover hundreds of digital issues available for $1.99 now through the end of September! This post contains affiliate links.     Thanks for stopping by! Let’s connect: Subscribe to be notified of new posts,...


The Magic Knot or Double Knot- A New Way to Join Yarn

Well, it’s new to me. I recently came across this video explaining the “magic knot”, which is a double knot used to join yarn. Till now, the Russian join has been my go-to technique, but I don’t like the added bulk. With the magic knot technique there are no tails left to weave in, the knot is not visible and there is no added bulk. I’ve been dreaming of making a scrapghan but have been scared away from the idea thinking about all those ends to weave in. Happy to have a way to make it faster and easier. “This...