Tagged: refreshing throw

Refreshing Throw Crocheted by Sakeenah 3

WIP Wednesday: Refreshing Throw – Almost Done!

The point on this WIP Wednesday is twofold. First, to exclaim from the mountain tops that after weaving in the ends I am DONE with the Refreshing Throw! And second, to show the world the amazing basket I scored at Goodwill!! At 24″ in diameter, it’s a beauty. I have been patiently stalking my local Goodwill for just the right basket, and I think it paid off. I didn’t anticipate how long this blanket was going to take. Each motif took 30 minutes, and there are 36 squares. Then the arranging, joining and border. It clocks in around 23 hours....

Single Crochet Join for Granny Squares | Sakeenah 3

Single Crochet Join for Granny Squares

Still working on the Refreshing Throw. I’ve been debating back and forth over which way to join granny squares would be best, and finally decided I like the pop of using single crochet to join granny squares. It is a visible join, so it won’t work for all projects. It’s really simple: Arrange your squares With the wrong sides facing each other You single crochet through the outer loops: the one closest to you on the first square and the one furthest away from you on the second square. Join all the rows horizontally, then go back and crochet them...

Refreshing Throw WIP | Sakeenah.com 9

WIP Wednesday: Refreshing Throw

Current work in progress: Refreshing Throw as a baby blanket. I’m using Stylecraft Special DK, which I’m loving. All the squares are done now. I have a few squares UFOs hanging around, I kind of stall on the joining part. So I’m off to find a favorite method to join the squares and get moving on that. What’s projects are you working on this week?