Tagged: FO

Tackling Project Clutter | Sakeenah.com 5

Tackling Project Clutter

I need a UFO (unfinished object) intervention before even picking up a crochet hook. Lately I have this desperate need to get my yarn and stash down to absolute zero. A nice controlled burn to nothing and buy on an as-needed basis only. I know this is akin to fiber art sacrilege here. Everybody needs a hoard, right? I can’t do it anymore. I feel like every weekend for a year is booked with knitting and crochet projects I don’t want to really even do. Organizing my yarn stash by fiber type into plastic bins helped a little. I could...

How to Make a Felted Wool Rug. Explore felting crochet with this beginner's project 14

How to Make a Crochet Felted Wool Rug

You gotta love when the addiction factor of crocheting goes up a notch. This is what’s happening to me with experimenting with felting. First you get to get in the meditative zone of making something and then you get to change it all up, shrink it, stretch it, and it’s something different. Love! After tackling a practice felted crochet swatch, it was time to try something bigger but still easy enough for a beginner’s felting project. My original goal was to make a bath mat, but I soon learned that a felted crochet of knit piece will keep felting if...

Refreshing Throw Crocheted by Sakeenah 3

WIP Wednesday: Refreshing Throw – Almost Done!

The point on this WIP Wednesday is twofold. First, to exclaim from the mountain tops that after weaving in the ends I am DONE with the Refreshing Throw! And second, to show the world the amazing basket I scored at Goodwill!! At 24″ in diameter, it’s a beauty. I have been patiently stalking my local Goodwill for just the right basket, and I think it paid off. I didn’t anticipate how long this blanket was going to take. Each motif took 30 minutes, and there are 36 squares. Then the arranging, joining and border. It clocks in around 23 hours....