Category: Craft Projects


Yarn Craft: Scraps Are For The Birds!

Spring is finally here! Do you feel like you’ve been waiting forever? Me too! One of my favorite signs of spring is seeing birds fly past, busy with building their nests in hopes of impressing a mate with a decked out place to settle down. Even better is when a few birds decide to call the yard home and we get to hear their serenades and cheeping of brand new babies. This year I’m trying out leaving nesting material out in hopes of seeing some scrap yarn get put to good use. I would be fun to see a splash of some pink...

Green your laundry: Make your own wool dryer balls with this tutorial. Dryer balls reduce drying time, saving evergy and money. They are also a great natural fabric softener, perfect for sensitive skin! 14

Green Laundry Tip: Make Your Own Wool Dryer Balls

Have you heard of wool dryer balls yet? They are a safe and healthier alternative to fabric softener with an added benefit: they absorb moisture, reducing the drying time of your clothes, saving time and money! What’s best is they are easy to make yourself on the cheap. Do wool dryer balls really work? Yup, they sure do! For years I avoided store-bought fabric softener because my sensitive nose and skin couldn’t handle it. I was also worried about the toxic chemicals in fabric softener coating our clothing and getting into the water system. I used white vinegar in the...