Tagged: joining

Single Crochet Join for Granny Squares | Sakeenah 3

Single Crochet Join for Granny Squares

Still working on the Refreshing Throw. I’ve been debating back and forth over which way to join granny squares would be best, and finally decided I like the pop of using single crochet to join granny squares. It is a visible join, so it won’t work for all projects. It’s really simple: Arrange your squares With the wrong sides facing each other You single crochet through the outer loops: the one closest to you on the first square and the one furthest away from you on the second square. Join all the rows horizontally, then go back and crochet them...


The Magic Knot or Double Knot- A New Way to Join Yarn

Well, it’s new to me. I recently came across this video explaining the “magic knot”, which is a double knot used to join yarn. Till now, the Russian join has been my go-to technique, but I don’t like the added bulk. With the magic knot technique there are no tails left to weave in, the knot is not visible and there is no added bulk. I’ve been dreaming of making a scrapghan but have been scared away from the idea thinking about all those ends to weave in. Happy to have a way to make it faster and easier. “This...